Discovery Speaker Series: Celebration of Birds

Tune into the Estuarium’s Facebook Live on February 3rd at 6:30 PM for an introduction into the world of birding and an eye-opening discussion about the importance of the Pigeon Guillemot birds as an indicator species in the South Puget Sound.

We will be joined by Elaine Chuang and Tiffany Adams who will share their passion for birding, their desire to share these experiences with others, and their advice for fledgling birders or casual bird enthusiasts. Then we will hear from Terence Lee from Nisqually Reach Nature Center (NRNC) about the ecologically significant Pigeon Guillemot species. You will learn about the Community Science efforts that go into studying birds in our area and could even get involved in collecting data yourself!

We hope you will join us no matter how interested in birds you may be, to learn a little about connecting with nature in your everyday life. This Discovery Speaker Series event is the first event for our February Celebration of Birds. The Estuarium is debuting a brand new permanent exhibit at the facility in downtown Olympia on February 5th. This new exhibit showcases birds of Thurston county, both rare and common. We hope to connect you with these species by teaching you about their behavior and habitat needs. The timing of the celebration coincides with the Great Backyard Bird Count hosted by the Cornell Lab of Ornithology, the National Audubon Society, and Birds Canada. For the month of February the exhibit will be enhanced by bird specimens on loan from Slater Museum in Tacoma, WA. The final element of our month-long celebration of birds will be the first walking tour of the season with a Bird Walk on February 27th.


Feb 03 2022


6:30 pm - 7:30 pm



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