In accordance with local and state COVID-19 health guidelines, Puget Sound Estuarium is excited to announce that we will be increasing the cap of visitors allowed in the Estuarium from 20 to 30 at any given time, starting July 1st, 2021. Masks will continue to be required for all staff, volunteers and visitors inside the Estuarium during open hours. Social distancing of 3 ft. will be required inside the Estuarium.
Additionally, we are lifting the cap on attendees at all outdoor education events, programs and field trips. This means there will no longer be a limit on the number of participants allowed at our outdoor education events and field trips after July 1st, 2021.
If you would like to visit the Estuarium and someone in your family is immunocompromised or high risk for COVID-19, further accommodations may be available. Please contact our Lead Interpreters to inquire about more options for high risk and immunocompromised households.