Sensory Hour at the Estuarium
Hands-on exploration, limited attendance, and resources for diverse sensory needs.
Join us for a Sensory Hour! A limited number of pre-registered visitors will get exclusive access to this event from 10:00 – 11:00 AM the 2nd Saturday of every month.
During Sensory Hour, we strive to provide a variety of sensory accommodations to meet our guests’ needs. While exploring the Estuarium’s exhibits, live animals and preserved specimens, Sensory Hour visitors can access sea-themed sensory toys, calming atmospheric videos, and noise-canceling headphones in an affirming environment. Because tickets for this event include admission for our public open hours, registered participants are welcome to come and go from the Estuarium from 10 AM until 4 PM.
Address: 309 State Ave. NE Olympia, WA 98501
Parking: Street parking is free on weekends and the first row of parking in front of the Estuarium’s entrance is always free.
$5 for adults, $3 Children ages 4-13, FREE with EBT

Please note that our aquarium tank equipment and air conditioning unit create moderate levels of ambient noise, especially during the summertime, and that we do not have dimmable lights. While we have several noise-reduction aids available, we encourage participants to bring their own sensory accommodation tools if noise or light sensitivity are potentially concerning.
Visiting the Estuarium
A Social Story
When I drive up to the Estuarium I will see a big mural with sea creatures and a green building. I will go through the door and wait while a friendly adult with a name tag checks me in.
If the noises in the Estuarium are too loud, I can tell a staff member and they will let me borrow some headphones to wear during my visit. If I have to go to the bathroom, I can tell a staff member or an adult and they will lead me to the family restroom in the back room.
In the front room of the Estuarium I will see aquarium tanks full of interesting creatures. I can choose which I want to look at and use a magnifying glass to look closer. I will see animals like newts, shrimp, crabs, anemones, and brightly colored sea stars! Staff members can tell me what they are and interesting things about the animals, but they can also let me explore on my own.
In the back room I will find lots of interesting things to see and do! When I go through the door I will see a cabinet with many drawers full of different kinds of shells to look at. Once I carefully walk down the ramp, I can explore the bones, shells, and preserved sea animals in jars on the shelf in front of me.
At a table in the middle of the room there will be lots of fun toys to touch and play with. There will be relaxing videos playing on a big screen that I can watch as well. When it’s time to go my adult will tell me and I can wave goodbye to the animals and the friendly staff at the Estuarium.
For questions about Sensory Hour, please contact our Visitor Experience Coordinator.