Advanced Bird Photography
Join us on March 25th from 2 PM – 3 PM for an Advanced Bird Photography Workshop with local photographer Bruce Livingston.
Attendance for this event is on a first come, first served basis, so try to come early to ensure a spot! The cost to attend is the price of admission to the Estuarium.
If you want to get serious about bird or simply wildlife photography – this talk is for you! Bruce is a retired Wildlife Biologist and has been an avid birder since the early 1970’s. He graduated with a wildlife degree from Central Michigan University in 1976 and did two years of post-graduate study until 1978. Bruce started photographing birds while in college with 35mm film gear and not enough focal length, and also owned a portrait studio and camera store from 1978 until 1985 in Michigan. He has also taught photography and darkroom classes at the DOW Center for the Arts in Midland, Michigan. He moved to Pacific Northwest in late 1985 and was hired by the Washington Department of Natural Resources to survey the Northern Spotted Owl, and has since worked with other Threatened and Endangered species including the Marbled Murrelet. He has been photographing bird since he retired in 2013.
Bruce’s talk will cover camera Gear, camera settings, focus settings, best times of the year and day, weather conditions, locations to photograph birds (and other species). He will also share many of his photographs in the hopes of inspiring others!